Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What is an entrepreneur?

Many people define the concept "entrepreneur" differently. The videos below contain examples of different perspective of entrepreneurship.

After watching these videos, how do you define "entrepreneur"? What is entrepreneurship?


 I have learned about Etsy approximately couple years ago. I am very impressed with this website and its mission. Therefore, I have kept an eye on Etsy. Over the past years, I have seen so much growth internationally of this website. In the spring 2010, I introduced Etsy to my entrepreneur class. Couple of my students have become Etsy's sellers and entrepreneurs. It is my goal to help my students redefining a definition of an "entrepreneur"and one day become successful innovative and unique entrepreneurs.

 Since this is the first entry to my entrepreneurship blog, I would like to you to Etsy. According to, Etsy is an online marketplace for buying and selling all things handmade. Items for sale on Etsy range from fashion and apparel items such as clothing and jewelry, and interior decorating items such as art and furniture, to less physical goods such as music and software, and even hand-made robots and other high-tech luxuries. Here under is a video introducing

Etsy was founded only five years ago, on June 18, 2005 by Rob Kalin, Chris Maguire, Haim Schoppik, and Jared Tarbell. The vision behind the ecommerce venue was to reconnect small-scale makers with buyers and thus enable people to make a living by selling their hand-made products. In doing this, Etsy aims to build a new type of economy and present the world with an alternative to mass-produced living: ‘Buy, Sell, and Live Handmade’. In line with this goal, Etsy describes itself as both a community and a company (Etsy, 2010). Below is an official video introducing Etsy:

       In only five years, Etsy has become one of the fastest growing ecommerce venues. Etsy’s sales value jumped from $ 166,000 in 2005  (McInerney, 2008) to $ 100 million in 2008 (Arrington, 2009). In addition, now with approximately 2 million listings, Etsy has expanded its buyer-seller community to stretch around the globe with 1.8 million members coming from more than 150 countries (Tischler, 2009). All this was accomplished using word-of-mouth, in real space-time and on various blogging communities, as the primary means of advertising. Here under is a video interviewing one of the Etsy's founder:


Etsy . (2010). Retrieved February 14, 2010, from Etsy : www.
McInerney, S. (2008, December 11). The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved February 14, 2010, from Get the personal touch:
Tischler, L. (2009, February 11). The Fast Company . Retrieved February 14, 2010, from The Fast Company: